Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Will The Real Editor Please Stand Up?

So I've already mentioned in a previous post that I'm a big fan of Free Open Source software, and Linux. While I find working with Sony Vegas Pro very easy and intuitive, it is the antithesis of FOSS, so I am now looking at a free editor called Cinelerra. The user interface is ugly and intimidating as hell, but it's very stable and just as powerful as Sony Vegas. Also, it allows me to work in my chosen OS, Linux. Ubuntu 10.04 64bit to be exact.

I was also attracted to a new editor called OpenShot which is also FOSS, and has a beautiful and simple user interface, but I would really prefer more advanced editing resources such as masking and chromakey. Still, one can make a great looking film with OpenShot and I strongly suggest you try it if you're looking for a good editing program.

Now the three films we've released have been comedy shorts, but I'm really chomping at the bit to do something more serious. We were going to shoot a feature film called The Veils of October to be released 10/20/2010, but I'm afraid we've run out of time with all our crashing editor woes. (see previous post). I still would like to attempt it, possibly as a short. The bottom line is, I'm going to try editing the next one in Cinelerra. Fingers crossed.

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