Thursday, November 30, 2006

Cold Peppermint Salem

As of today, I'm no longer keeping this blog for anyone else but myself. Originally, I signed up to be able to check out and comment on Gracie's blog. After some prodding, I finally posted a bit myself, but with other readers in mind. The truth is, no one cares and no one wants to read everybody else's blog! Every major dude and his dog has a blog. Truth is, I don't enjoy reading them. I'm always bored to tears within the first five sentences. In fact, I'd be bored with this one by now if I wasn't entertained by the mere fact that I'm writing it; And if you've gotten this far, you are duller than I am. haha.
In any case, I'm now keeping this journal for myself. I want to remember things, and I've forgotten fortunes of too much.

It's been cold the last three days here in Channel Islands Harbor, and the wind often howls from sunset to the wee hours. I love it. I hate the heat in Winter and Fall. If I wasn't in Automatic Hotel, my band, I'd move East. I'd pick up and take my family to where the colors turn and the seasons reign. For now, I'm stuck in California; but at least it's cold now and really feels like a December should.

I couldn't sleep last night and got up at 6:30 without the alarm. Had a cup of 'Chock full O' Nuts' coffee with 'Peppermint-Mocha' non-dairy creamer. lol, it's the season. For the first time in years I actually wore my wollen half-finger gloves that I bought at an Army-Navy surplus store in Salem, Massachusettes. I was there in October of 2001 and boyo was it cold! (just the way I like it.) Always makes me think of the Witch Trials in 1692.

Took the kids to the bus stop, then during the writing of this blog got a call from the school and had to run over there with Peanut's glasses. I was going to just let it go, because she's far-sighted and can do fine without them for a day, but the teacher put her on the phone and she was so cute could I refuse? Besides she enjoys the reassurance of me showing up during class. I cleaned her glasses for her, gave her a ginormous hug and now she's happy for the rest of the day. Small price to pay for her happiness. Good times.

While driving this morning I wished I had a job to go to. Not because I enjoy working for other people, on the contrary; I just want to do music! ...But for the money. We're in a difficult financial position right now. Time to sell the motorhome, look for a 9 to 5, and pray for a hit song in the meanwhiles. DeeDee is working now and it's a great job but for low pay. I have been Mr. Mom now since September. I've made a ton of bag lunches, cooked dinner every night and become a taxi service. It's cool though. I'm having a posititive affect on the girl's lives. I don't just do it; I try to do everything in an extra loving way, like a real dad.

I baked bread for the first time yesterday. We had it last night with dinner. I wouldn't say it was great, but pretty good for my first time. The girls loved it. I've been creating a lot of my own recipes over the last few months. I really should start writing them down. I hate following other recipes and would rather make things up or do things my own way. So far, it's working out.

I have a show this Saturday night at Billy O's in Ventura. Currently playing the Bass. I'm so busy with family stuff that I'm behind on band business. That is life.

1 comment:

Grace said...

I hope you don't mind that I'm listening in. I like this serious side of you, Mike. I can totally see you as a dad. And I have all kinds of recipes if you need them but it sounds like you're the independent type.

About the east-coast: I do think the east is worth the experience of living in... temporarily (especially if you're from LA). These are VERY different cultures! Easterners values old things, historic things. LAers value new, fresh, hot-off-the-press stuff. You can claim LA as your "home" if you've lived there over a year but Easterners ask you "where are you from?" and they mean "where were you born?" If you were born in Georgia, for example, you will always be a "Southerner"... even if you've never lived in the South a day in your life.

This place is backwards... And people don't talk to you if they don't know you; they don't TRY to get to know you... not even your local grocery store clerk. "NEXT!" After all, "you're not from around here," and they know it.

I've been here for a year and a half and am counting down til our next move. We'll be west-coasters again soon. We're moving to Portland, OR. [sigh of relief]

Anyway. I like Domestic-Mike. It wears you well.